tulip 'Little Beauty' A dwarf tulip, to 12cm high, with green, strap-like foliage and single flowers in spring. Flowers have an unusual colour banding along the tepals; dark purple centres fade to light purple edged with a thin band of light pink with the majority of the top petal being crimson-red
Tulipa humilis ‘Little Beauty’ is a very short stemmed tulip with pink buds followed by a multi-coloured flower. The centre is deep blue, surrounded by a white zone leading to bright fuchsia …
T. 'Little Beauty' is a dwarf tulip, to 12cm high, with blue green, strap-like foliage and single flowers in spring. Flowers have an unus.Read More
Tulipa humilis 'Little Beauty' (Wildflower Tulip) has rich, reddish-pink petals and a bright blue-eyed center. A wonderful hybrid companion to 'Little Princess', this vigorous variety is a delight in the garden.
В интернет-магазине Первые Семена вы можете купить Тюльпан хумилис Литтл Бьюти (Tulipa humilis Little Beauty), 15 шт (разбор 6/7) всего за 412,50 руб.
'Little Beauty' is a Division 15 tulip that was developed by W. Van Lierop & Sons and introduced in 1991. (Division 15 includes all species tulips plus hybrids not included in other groups.) Its …
Little Beauty Tulip Bulbs (Tulipa humilis) is a miniature variety the offers a delightful color combination of pinkish-red, white, and blue, and a unique chalice shaped bloom with …
These species tulips are adaptable for pot and border culture, as well as naturalising in meadows and wildflower schemes. Using fresh, good-quality compost, plant bulbs in pots from September to November.
Plant database entry for Species Hybrid Tulip (Tulipa 'Little Beauty') with 44 images, one comment, and 27 data details.
A Tulipa humilis species, Little Beauty has an upright habit. It naturalizes easily, with its sprawling clumps of narrow, linear foliage and showy blooms appearing year after year, possibly for decades in ideal conditions.
Tulipa "Little Beauty" is one of the smallest Tulip varieties, but manages to stand out. It's bright purple flowers are especially lovely in borders and containers, combined with Muscari. Bulk …
'Little Beauty' is a dwarf, multi-flowered variety with a grey-purple centre, a white halo, and bright deep pink petals. The outside of the flowers are cherry red. tipped with the bright pink.
Dwarf tulip 'Little Beauty' entices gardeners with its vibrant cup-shaped flowers that flourish in mid-spring. Exhibiting a striking blend of deep purple with interior light blue and fuchsia accents, …
Tulipa hageri 'Little Beauty' is a dwarf species tulip, believed by some to be a garden form of T. humilis so that 'Little Beauty' is sometimes listed under that species.
A Tulipa humilis species, Little Beauty has an upright habit. It naturalizes easily, with its sprawling clumps of narrow, linear foliage and showy blooms appearing year after year, possibly for …
‘Little Beauty’ is another Tulipa humilis variety with an interior of blue, white, and magenta. This species needs to be viewed from above to appreciate the colorful centers.
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